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About Us
Health Status and Health-Related Quality of Life Concepts: Field Studies Green Folders: Social Cultural, Physical and Geographical –Relationship with other cultures and programs, Geographical Sectors with population analysis of inner city and rural areas Yellow Folders: Health and Social Care, Lifestyles and Health Behavior Relationship with home environment in of mental and physical well-being managing money during economic change and crisis, Modification of lifestyles and health behaviors affecting the home environment and community-Areas of educating and healing individuals and family units Red Folders: Functional Status, Health Perceptions, Illness Behaviors, Personality and Motivation, Values and Preferences: Relationship with home environment cognitive approach to modifying behaviors affecting mental and physical well-being for successful managing budget and family Blue Folders: Biology and Life Course –Relationship to circumstances affecting the home environment and the family unit in money management Sun: General Quality of Life –Relationship with individual, family and community with cultural awareness of support and maintenance of home budgeting.
Improve Scientific Knowledge: 1. Communicating the value of home economics education program focus in money management for the family unit and the importance of math. 2. Creating a memory or learning tool and materials to improve cognition in early, middle and late stages age groups for preventive measures and modification.
3. Implementing a program of NASBA under psychology finance for educational and consulting purposes in the accounting fields for government and public sectors. a. Emergency Preparedness to assist the constituents with restoration b. Criminal Justice area to assist clients with restoration c. Health field alternative medicine with cognitive therapy in family matters.
Improve Clinical Practice of One or More Fields-Internationally: 1. Prefer short term programs with effective measures to analyze restoration and preventive process of an individual 2. Cross reference analytic and acceptable terminology associated with program 3. Approved certification restoration program process for court related clientele a. Law Enforcement and Court Agencies –DOJ b. Emergency Preparedness –FEMA c. Individual/Family Services – DHHS d. Education/Counseling – DOE e. Sociology-geographical statistics – DOI and Home Economics Association.
b. Observational Studies: Single Blind (Subject)-Field studies observing individuals/families in communication, decision making process and resolution/compromise effecting their behavior mechanisms and disciplines in spending money and what method of payment.
Adm. Brig.  Dr. Sheila A. Parker IPP, CPA(A/D) Executive Officer

Benefits Contributions for research and policy: The project report purpose is to assist with individuals and/or family units/households through education, research and cognitive therapy approaches analyzing the effects of change in the family unit and how it affects communities nationwide and internationally with cultural awareness, and the improvement of the Home Economics Program for education. The reduction of welfare assistance in the nation and how changes will effect families working with structured policies, laws, community ideas and concepts of community with political views.

Providing Service-Field of Expertise by Federal Contract

Dr. Sheila Annette Parker-IPP, CPA

Harvard University-UNM College of Education, College of Nursing Nursing-Exam passed 1977-NP, Public Health, Genetics, Physics, Midwifery, Psychology, UNM Health Science Center, UNM Behavioral Health Education Department, Clinical, Education2000-2005, Tulane University School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine/University of Alabama at Birmingham School of Public Health and South Central Public Health: Certificate Programs 2012-present Public Health, Maternal and Child Health, Emergency Preparedness, Harvard University, Cambridge, UK 1986-1989 ACCTING/FINANCE, VALEDICTORIAN


Natasha Marie Parker-Pending

Liberal Arts Graduate/License-data pending, Department of State referred. Research in Social Media and Communication in the areas of Language, Demographic and Cognitive research and development services, including photography. Background information forthcoming.

Vice President


Employment hiring guidelines pending for Year 2020 through http://www.usa.job. The office is uniform active duty-dress black. 

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